Saturday, October 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Pansy Doiley
I've surprised myself with this doiley. I taught myself to crochet from a book (so I suspect I may well be doing lots of things wrong) but I've only ever really crocheted granny squares and afghans before. I shamelessly took inspiration for the doiley from this one that I saw on Knot Garden's lovely blog. Took a while to do all of the 16 pansies but I finished it whilst in Wales at the end of August. It was meant to be a Christmas present for my Mum, but she saw the pansies in my workbag and asked what they were for so that was that secret out of the bag.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
The Tropics?

No - the Palm House at Kew Gardens. Last weekend (yeah, I know, I'm Johnny Come Lately when it comes to posting) my Mum and I had a city break in London. On Saturday afternoon we took the train to Kew and believe me, it might as well have been the tropics it was so hot. I don't think I've seen so many pretty summer dresses in years.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Sunday, May 03, 2009
A Finish
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Remember these?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hour Glass Quilt Top
This is the cot quilt I'm making for my friend's new baby. (If you click for a close up, excuse the stray threads but the sun was out so I had to run outside to photograph it whilst the going was good - I will snip them off later.) Had the devil of a job to avoid the same fabrics being too close to each other - I just gave up in the end and hoped for the best.

I'm hoping it won't take too long to quilt - I'm just going to do nice, simple, straight lines. Next up will be a quilt for DD to take to university in the autumn - she has requested it especially so I can't disappoint her. It reminds me of when I went to university and my Nan crocheted me an afghan to put on my bed - it really brightened up my room and everyone liked it ... seems like a long time ago now.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Better late than never
I was full of good intentions at Christmas to really make an effort to post more regularly but I seem to have fallen by the wayside again - I think I'll stop going on about it and just accept that work gets in the way and there's only so much that I can do.
How do you keep patterns that you print off the Internet? Not long ago I bought a laminator from Aldi - they are really cheap nowadays. I've found it really useful for laminating instructions - saves them from getting all creased and I like to be able to prop them up where I can see them when following the instructions. I keep them in a box file.

Sunday, March 08, 2009

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Saturday, February 28, 2009
London Calling
Part of the reason for the break was that my daughter had a briefing session for the course she is starting at University in the autumn, so we thought we might as well all go too (to London, not to the briefing session, that would have been well embarrassing).
I also found time to find my way to Fabrics Galore in Lavender Hill. I did succumb to temptation, but really, I think I need to call a halt to fabric buying and start using it - otherwise I'm in serious danger of running out of anywhere to put it.
Saturday, February 07, 2009

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Can you tell what it is yet?

Leslie and I have been chatting about feeling the yearning to knit but not wanting to make a man-size jumper but something small, like a baby item or a teddy bear (big hint there). We loved Lucy's knitted bear, Rainier, and it reminded me that I made a bear from a pattern in the same book as Lucy last year (you can see it here), and that I had actually knitted up all of the individual pieces for another one in the summer. But sewing up the pieces is my least favourite part of the process so I just left them to fester in the meantime. Now I've published a picture of the pieces I feel kind of obligated to sew them up so watch this spot.

When I fished them out of the bag I had put them in, I also found these. I bought them in Carlisle at Christmas, they are made of papier mache, the large head is about the size of a ping pong ball. I thought they would look good with arms and legs made of yo-yos. (Though goodness knows when, if ever, I'll get round to that!)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
No-sew Valentine Garland

I thought I might as well take a few pictures along the way so here it is - my no-sew heart tutorial.
BTW - the background is my old cutting board that I don't use for cutting fabric, it is messy and horrible but ideal for a base to cover the table while I glue.
Here's all you need:
- cardboard from a cereal carton or the like
- scraps of batting
- glue gun
- cotton fabric
- ribbon
Draw round a heart template on your cardboard, I used 5 hearts in my garland but you could have as many as you like.
Cut the hearts out of the cardboard