Thursday, May 17, 2007

I've been tagged by Clare to reveal 7 things you didn't know about me:

  1. I have a phobia about tinned baked beans. I just cannot bear them, I hate their smell, their appearance and I couldn't possibly eat one. I can just about bring myself to cook them in the microwave for my kids, but I have to do this without touching them or getting any of them on my fingers. I couldn't possibly wash up plates by hand that had the remains of beans on them - ugh. It would make me retch just to touch them.
  2. I have the widest feet ever (and very short toes) they are a UK size 3 1/2 in length but I would have to buy shoes in a size 6 to get anywhere near the width I need. Hence a lifetime of squeezing my feet into shoes that are too narrow and buying shoes just because they fit, never mind if I like them or not. And don't talk to me about sandals - it's only in the last few years when manufacturers are making wider models that I've been able to find a few that fit and still look reasonably fashionable.
  3. Can't bear the hairdressers - I would rather go to the dentist! I have to do it because I like fuchsia streaks in my hair and I would rather have them than not, but it's an ordeal.
  4. I can't tell left from right instinctively. If you said to me 'look up' or 'look down' I would instinctively look in the right direction. Can't do it with left and right, I have to stop and think about it and work it out. I dread being asked for directions because I get my lefts and rights all mixed up and learning to drive was a nightmare because I had to concentrate twice as hard on working out where the instructor wanted me to go. If I need to write out directions for myself I have to put arrows going in the right direction instead of writing left and right. My kids think this is hysterical.
  5. I have a B.A Honours degree in Art History achieved when I was 21 and young and foolish and a Masters Degree in Training and Performance Management achieved whilst working part time in my late thirties when I was older and a bit wiser.
  6. I never ever wear yellow, orange or green clothes on account of the fact that I have very sallow, yellowy skin (just think Marge Simpson without the blue hair) and these colours provide the most appalling contrast. Don't I make myself sound wonderful - it's not that bad but I do look seriously awful in those colours - hence the fuchsia streaks in my hair - much better.
  7. I wish I could dance, my favourite music of all time is big band swing from the 30's and 40's - it would be terrific to be able to dance to it properly but my left/right dysfunction kind of puts the kibosh on this. I did go to 'Latin in Line' a couple of years ago but as you can imagine I had to concentrate pretty hard and the instructor was sarcastic to me for going in the wrong direction.

I must surely be the last one to do this meme so I'm not going to tag anyone else. I have finished quilting the peacock feathers but I won't put up a picture of the finished quilt until I've put the binding on.


MARCIE said...

I love hearing these quirky things about you. What a funny little critter you are! I, myself, have no foibles whatsoever. Ha!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

You've made me smile. I'm not much good at the whole left right thing either....learning to drive was most interesting!

Unknown said...

Fiona - I sympathise totally on the wide feet thing - mine were always wide then being pregnant three times just made them spread even further - despite the fact DH works for them I can rarely find a pair of Clarks shoes wide enough for me - mind you my Crocs are brilliant! As for the left and right thing DD1 was taught at Brownies to hold both hands up in front of her with the thumbs out at right angles to the body of the hand the left hand one looks like a letter 'L' - she always uses this still

Beth said...

I feel the same way about Vienna sausages (canned small hot dogs) My daughter LOVED them as a toddler..ick Ick ICK! Here is trick for the left/right. put both hands up, palms away from you. only your left hand will make the letter "L" with your thumb and pointer finger. left over tip from my favorite preschool teacher..I still use it!(your right hand will make a backwards L)

Elaine Adair said...

I probably should tell you how occasionally, I will 'sneak' a little can of baked beans on the sly - cold and everything! Love them, especially if they are sweetened.

Elaine Adair said...

SHOULDN't tell you ...

Doodlebug Gail said...

Oh my - I can relate to the left and right thing! If I have to give DH directions he'll always ask me "are you sure?" .... he can't understand that it doesn't come naturally to me. Both my children find this easy - I made sure of that since they were tiny!

atet said...

Oooh, I have to totally agree about the baked beans. ICK!

I'm loving learning all the quirky stuff about folks from this meme ;0).

Ali Honey said...

You were very honest - good on you.

The Calico Cat said...

That left/right thing sounds so familiar... (In the car we have to say "turn your way or my way")

I was taught (late in life) to make an "L" with my left hand so show me what is left... (I can rationalize either one being the left...)

Libby said...

I feel the same about lima beans...why must we have them? You are far braver than I. A lima bean has never darkened my door and I have spared the Princess from having to eat them because they are just gross *s*

meggie said...

I got a laugh at some of your secrets. But it is nice to read these memes, & find how different/the same we all are!

Patti said...

Fascinating! I want to see a picture of you with the fuchsia streak in your hair! I wonder about the baked beans - did you get really sick after eating some when you were a small child? What if they didn't come out of a can, but instead were baked from scratch. Do they still do that to you? I know what you mean about sallow skin - mine is just like that.

Unknown said...

Very funny facts you told us there. There are a few quilt bloggers out there who mentioned having wide feet and I recommand to all of them Birkenstock. They have nice colours and cool designs these days. About left and right I am like you (I am left-handed so maybe I have got an excuse!) and when I give direction in a car, the question is "which right do you mind?" or "You meant the other right!" Take care.

YankeeQuilter said...

I remember in the army writing L and R on a new recruits hand hoping that would get him marching correctly. It didn't work because he had to keep his eyes out in front. In the end we posted it on the back of the soldier in front of him!!!

Luísa Silva said...

I don't like baked beans too. So nice to know these interesting things about you

Shelina said...

What a bunch of fun facts about you Fiona. Thanks for sharing them.

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Poor thing, there is nothing worse than oncomfortable shoes...and nothing wrong with knowing what colours are "you" and what are not! Cheers, tracey

Clare said...

The L R thing drives me nuts. I can't co-ordinate at the best of times. Remember when aerobics hit the scene all those years ago? Well that person at the back falling over her left foot and putting the wrong arm up in the air was me!