I've finally lost it ... you will remember from my post yesterday that I said DS was starting a new school term today. So, I got his uniform ready, made sure he had his holiday homework and dinner money and then I rang my childminder to say that I would take him to school today, as it was the first day of term and he likes me to. "Okay", said my childminder, "But the first day of term was yesterday." I had missed the start of term. DH had the day off work yesterday and could easily have taken my son to school, instead, they spent the day in the house, doing chores and chilling out. Cue one distraught child in tears, both because he had missed the first day of school and because he thought people would think he was stupid. I tried to explain that actually it was his mother who was stupid, but he took a while to calm down. I still don't know how I got it wrong. In both my diary and the kitchen calendar I had Thursday as the start of term.
Blogger is still playing up, this is another one of the vintage quilt tops in Kaffe Fassett's collection at the Festival of Quilts. I have a picture of the whole top, but it just won't upload. Isn't it deliciously scrappy?
When we got back from the show I played at making a modern version with bright fabrics like this. However, before I go any further with it I have several WIPs to finish (or start):
- borders on Depression Block Top
- piece top for Antique Cutie
- finish piecing recycled top
I also really want to make a start on Tonya's XOX challenge quilt so this is going to have to go on the back burner for a while but it is a project that I want to return to soon.