Not much to report - a couple more star blocks for the lilac quilt top. I don't have a huge stash compared to some of you, so when I cut the fabrics for this top I cut up all the greens I had, including the bright yellowy toned one in the bottom row, second from the right. Well, it doesn't work, it's toned down a bit in the picture but in real life it zings out like a neon sign - that block will have to go. I cut a few other green fabrics in that colour tone too, incuding the green in the centre square in the block second from left in the bottom row. I'll keep that block but I won't be using that green in any of the others. I probably cut for too many blocks anyway, so I've got plenty left to play with.Now, I wouldn't like you to think that I don't like brights, I just don't like them in this particular top.
Sewing these blocks you really need a leader ender project to maximise time and fabric usage, right? So I cut out some 2.5 inch squares and I'm going to make a Road to Arkansas with them at the same time as a leader/ender project. Perfect use for the green squares I can't use in the lilac and green quilt.
Can't believe it's February, where does the time go?
Look at all those fun little squares! Maybe you can use that green block on the back.
There is nothing like making two quilts at once. THe blocks are looking good and I love the colors of your little squares.
Fiona, your stars are looking great - and your squares look so neat and organized.
Can the bright block go on the back? Or maybe a pillow case to store the finished quilt. I might be tempted just to quilt it up as a stand alone piece for a table top or something. So many things *s*
Hi Fiona, your stars blocks is so lovely!I love her colors!Very good job ;-)))
I love the purples---Rge blocks are beautiful. I have no pastels or purples. I thinks that's why I love seeing others work. I love seeing the different color tastes people have.
Nice bright leader/ender project, yum! The green is a but I'm sure you'll think of a plan. Happy sewing, Tracey
Nice way to organize your squares. The colours of the blocks are bright and beautiful. Splendid the idea of making two quilts at the same time.
Those star blocks are coming on - I agree the green is rather GREEN! but you could spread a smattering of it around elsewhere to even it out - BTW the muffin recipe stayed in the ether - no sign of it at my end - computers, who'd 'ave 'em
Your stars blocks are "MOLTO BELLI" (beautiful) and the color too. ciao ciao from Italy
KEEP IT! (Just spread that green around a bit in to some other blocks...)
Or back art as someone else mentioned...
Oh & that orange umbrella fabric - I use that in my current WIP!
I like the stars. So Spring! Great idea to do a leaders/enders with this project. The brights are beautiful!
Great stars. I don't mind bright, but you'll know if it's right for you or not. Love your squares all together....just to gaze at and enjoy! That looks like a useful container /tray you have them in.
these blocks look like spring, good after the snow we have had!
The bright squares are so well organized, I wish you could do the same for my scraps!
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