Remember those brights? The ones that were meant to be leader/enders whilst I sewed the blocks for the lilac top? They kind of seduced me and I couldn't stop sewing them. Chain piecing was just bliss after piecing block by block. In the book I took the pattern from, Quilts from the Heart, by Karin Renaud, calls this setting Road to Arkansas but I looked on the net and it came up as a completely different pattern. I think I've seen the same pattern, or something similar on Finn's blog a while ago. Whatever it's called (and I hope someone will tell me) it was a joy to whip up. The picture quality isn't great but I didn't finish it until after dark last night and DS kept moaning about the cold when I asked him to hold it down outside this morning (kids these days - they're so soft, I blame it on central heating). Maybe I'll get a better picture when I put the borders on.