I'm always too tired to sew in the evenings but I don't mind knitting or crochet now and again. Socks are a bit beyond my capabilities and I don't want to knit a whole jumper. Knitting a bear seemed the perfect solution - I already had some bear coloured cotton from a charity shop (which I bought before I even thought about knitting a bear - but as a hoarder who is firmly convinced that 'it will come in useful one day' my purchase is justified). The pieces are small and you get a finished item in no time.The pattern came from this lovely book, containing lots of really great patterns for knitted bears - and I found out from the book jacket that the author lives in Leicestershire! (I'm hoping that I have managed to link the picture to the Amazon page where you can search inside - if not, at least you can see enough to search for it).

And do you like my Sweet Peas? My Dad planted them for me - I think they are my favourite flowers but the season is so short.