Sunday, July 11, 2010

What next?

It's been a bit hectic round here - we're having all the interior walls stripped, repapered and painted.  This would be bad enough if we were a tidy, non-hoarding family.  But being as we are, giving the decorator room to move necessitates the movement of piles of stuff.  A fair amount of this has gone into bags to go to charity shops but my sewing room is also being used as a temporary home for boxes too - I can't get to the table with my sewing machine.

Meanwhile I'm planning what to do with these felt flowers.  I've been doing some knitting too - pictures next time.


Chookyblue...... said...

wow you sure have cute out lots of flowers.........

Thimbleanna said...

Redecorating is SO much work. We need to do some major stuff but I just can't get started 'cause I can't face the mess. Can't wait to see what you do with the flowers. LOVE your header!

Leslie said...

Oh I hope bits of your sewing room don't accidentally go into bags for the charity shop! I shivered at the thought. :)

julieQ said...

Oh, I just really dislike the process of redecorating...but love the results! I love your felt flowers!

T said...

I've not left a comment before - love your blog and have added it to my faves. Although we went through a major remodel with our living room, dining room and kitchen (made them into all one big great room) I loved the entire process!

I'll be back

Meggie said...

Redecorating has such nice rewards. It is almost like having a baby- painful, but worth it all!
Love the new header. Also love those flowers!

Lynda said...

I feel your pain, as I have recently had to decorate my sewing room - luckily only emulsion, but all the preparation and woodwork takes so long! I too had a few trips to the charity shop, but I'm so glad it's finished now.

Annabelle said...

Very pretty site and pics. I have just had a short trip to France and so missed my craft space. I am a new crafter and blogger at and just surfing looking for inspiration. Thank you for allowing me to visit. Hope to see you back sewing soon.